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What you receive
CryptoBasics Course
  • What is Web3? - the foundation, including how blockchains work 
  • Bitcoin - a lesson on the unique characteristics of Bitcoin 
  • Altcoins & Stablecoins and the difference between a coin and a token 
  • Blockchain Applications - real-world examples of how blockchain will change our lives 
  • DeFi and Crypto Exchanges - how do you get money in and out of exchanges 
  • Wallets - all you need to know to use your wallet securely 
  • NFT and Smart Contracts - an explanation as well as current and future examples 
  • DAOs - what are they, and how do they impact our world

CryptoBasics How-to Guides
  • Set up your web3-enabled browser to view Web3 websites 
  • Set up your crypto account on a user-friendly crypto exchange 
  • Set up a wallet as a browser extension 
  • Set up a wallet that lives on your desktop and mobile phone

Before taking the CryptoBasics course, the Crypto space was very confusing and intimidating for me. Ute's course gives a very well-structured overview of what's it all about. It's only a starting point, but I feel more confident now to dive in deeper. Nobody knows what the future will bring, but I think it's important to keep an eye on Crypto and Web3.

Sabine K.

Bonus: Resource Rolodex

  • Total payment
  • 1xCryptoBasics$47

All prices in USD
